He Just Dropped In To See What Condition Our Condition Was In

Posted by: May 22, 2017By Dotti Solomon

This is proving to be an exciting year for the MJIF, and for me, personally. What, with moving back to Israel for the next several months; and now Jeff Lowenthal, esteemed MJIF Chairman recently visited us in Israel to bring blessings and encouragement from America. This was the first time Jeff had been in the field with me, and I believe his heart was touched as he heard the stories of some impoverished individuals, like Miriam and Oleg, who needed MJIF’s help.

Miriam’s Story

First Jeff and I heard Miriam’s story. I believe Jeff’s heart was touched as he heard how she came from a broken family and all alone made Aliyah at 15! Her desire is to get a basic education so as not to be a burden on others. She must begin with a prep course equivalent to the SAT in the States. I’m sure you would agree, we made the right decision to help her with her education. We are anxious to see her succeed and become an even greater blessing in the Land.

Oleg’s Story

Then Jeff and I heard Oleg’s story. He’s a hard-working family man and solid, committed believer, who lost his job for several months. We thank the Lord that he just recently got another job, but not until the family debt had grown almost out of control. As well, past youthful mistakes with drugs left him in desperate need of dental work. We were happy to help him with a substantial check, so he can get this much needed medical attention.

MJIF Wants to Help

The MJIF wants to help families and singles like this (and many others), those not asking for a hand out but who just want a chance to work and be a blessing to others.

A study was done awhile back that said “among the few ministries dedicated to the Israeli messianic ministries, the MJIF was among the few that actually did what it said it was doing.”

When our friends and Partners send donations to be used for the messianic Jewish community in Israel we do not stockpile the money to be used for a rainy day; the “funds come in and the funds go out” because it’s always a rainy day for the poor among Jewish believers in Israel.

Please Consider Donating

Won’t you consider supporting messianic Jewish believers in Israel? Those like Miriam and Oleg who live in poverty and need our help?

In Messiah’s joy,


PS: The an explanation for post title if you don’t know the name: